We live and work in Korbach, in the green center of Germany and in Berlin. Our goal is to create self-sufficient, solidarity-based, and identity-building places where users are actively involved in the design and construction process. The development of a community-oriented and ecological life is very important to us. Our projects are therefore divided into two categories: Perspective Changers and System Changers.
PERSPECTIVE CHANGER is what we call the projects that are intended to change people’s perspectives and stimulate the self-efficacy of each one of us. It’s about becoming aware of global change at a local level. Because you can only change what you understand. The “Open Mind Places” in Sauerland are places where people can relax, discover other perspectives, and develop new ideas.
SYSTEM CHANGER are projects that break through and sustainably change prevailing global structures at a local level. “Villa F”, an off-the-grid house in Sauerland, is a catalyst for the establishment of an environmentally friendly energy network. As a result, two villages have become completely CO2-neutral and independent of the global energy market.
Christoph Hesse Architects was founded in 2010 by Christoph Hesse in Korbach. In 2018 another branch was opened in Berlin. The company currently employs an international team of around 10 employees. The office has won numerous awards and regularly exhibits its projects in museums and galleries around the world. The work “Open Mind Places” is represented in the permanent collection of the German Architecture Museum DAM as part of the “Storefront Images” of Architektur Galerie Berlin.